Question for today: Who are you in relation to your Creator-Your Source? I would invite you to look at yourself as a child of the Universe (God). As a child of God-you have a right to be here. We all
Monday Morning Motivator
Forgive-As I forgive, I am free. “Forgiveness is an act of love, for myself as well as for others. I forgive in order to cleanse my heart of negativity and open to the love of God. Forgiveness is not about
Monday Morning Motivator
FEAR: What is it? I have heard it defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Most of the time I think that is a very good definition. I know that sometimes there are things that will hurt us and we do
Monday Motivator
Question: As you start your day—are you in control of your thoughts or are your thoughts in control of you? I am asking the same question of myself today. I am dealing with a difficult problem in my life at
Life Lesson Learned
Quote from my book “Where Do I Go From Here?”:Creating the Life You Love “At this point I learned-for the first time—one of the most valuable lessons of my life. Success does not come to the most talented or the
Welcome to my new blog!
Welcome. My name is Vicki Lynn King, author of Where Do I Go from Here?. I am so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share